Sleep is an important part in your health and well-being. Sleep disorders can have a signficant impact on your quality of life and your ability to function well in the world. However, there are short-term, evidence-based treatments for the most common sleep concerns!


Insomnia is a very common sleep issue — according to recent research, as many as 1 in 10 adults struggle with either falling asleep at night or returning to sleep after nighttime awakenings. These difficulties can continue for months or even years, leaving people constantly fatigued, irritable, and unhappy. Many of my clients come to me having tried a variety of techniques and medication with little success. The good news is, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, (CBT-I), is the recommended gold-standard treatment by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. It is a short-term treatment with extensive research support, and many people begin to see results after just a few sessions. Using CBT-I, we will focus on changing patterns that maintain your insomnia and helping you feel more confident in your ability to sleep. If you are using sleep medications, I can also work with your medical provider to assist you with a taper, if desired.


Nightmares can occur as an isolated symptom without a specific cause other than life stress or as a part of PTSD following a traumatic event. They are often extremely frightening and can result in significant amounts of lost sleep. We can use Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT), an evidence-based treatment, to work on reducing the frequency and intensity of your nightmares. This can be done independently of or in conjunction with treating other PTSD symptoms.

Circadian rhythm difficulties

Our internal biological clock tells us when we should be awake or asleep. Some people, however, have clocks that are misaligned with work, school, or other life responsibilities or desires. People with a delayed sleep phase may have difficulty waking up in time to make morning meetings or classes, while people with an advance sleep phase may find it hard to stay up late enough to spend time at their hobbies. People who work a night or swing shift often have a hard time falling asleep and getting enough sleep to feel rested throughout the week. We can use small amounts of melatonin, adjust your light exposure, and tweak your schedule to help you shift your body clock to better match your life.

difficulties adjusting to cpap

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a medical problem that affects your sleep. The gold-standard treatment is CPAP. However, many people find it challenging to use the machine due to physical discomfort, trouble falling asleep, and anxiety, among other issues. Using CBT-based techniques, I can help you adjust to using your CPAP on a regular basis so that you can get better, more refreshing sleep.